Human Resources

Corporate Values
Our organisation values represent how we behave – as colleagues work with each other, our customers, our business partners, and others in the communities we serve.These values form the very foundations upon which the company is built.
Be accountable for our decisions and actions, treat others ethically, undertake our duties with dedication, a winning spirit and respect for our corporation and profession.
Create an environment that encourages and facilitates our colleagues to deliver creative business solutions.
Open Communication
Ensure fairness and openness in the treatment of colleagues, customers and the public, with empathy for individuals and through honest and timely two-way communication.
Respect & Integrity
Treat others as we would wish to be treated, act with fairness and honesty, be ethical, be involved, listen and respond, display confidence in others and embrace diversity.
Develop a culture and stimulate opportunities for harmony and synergy in the workplace, where through common effort there is cooperation between colleagues, our customers and business partners.
Maintain a safety working environment and track record of the highest caliber, which meets and exceed world-class benchmarks, while at the same time enforcing an efficient and effective emergency handling capability.
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